Introducing Lharampa Geshe Jampel Senge, a special guest teacher coming to TKSL on Sunday, 16th March.
Geshe-la was a school teacher of English in his 20s when he decided to enter Sera Monastery, where he studied the great Buddhist texts and attained the Lharampa Geshe qualification in 1991. He has taught in Australia since 1996. Geshe-la teaches in English.
When asked to describe his connection to Khensur Rinpoche, he said:
“I have great respect for Rinpoche. He has been an inspiration since I arrived in Sera in 1973 as a 23 year old hippie! He is a very amiable person - friendly with every one. He is humble but cheerful at all times. Everyone knows he is a great scholar on both Tantra and Sutra. I am a great admirer of Rinpoche.”
We are extremely fortunate to have a geshe of his standing coming to teach at TKSL and we welcome him with gratitude and respect.
More information about Geshe-la can be found here:
The course: The Root of the Path: The Importance of the Spiritual Guide for Spiritual Realisation: A Buddhist Perspective
Course description: TBC
Session times:
9:30: Doors open
10am - 12 noon: Session One (starting with a guided meditation to set motivation)
12 - 1.45pm lunch break
2pm - 4pm Session Two (Finishing with a question and answer session
More details to come. Please check back later.
Lharampa Geshe Jampel Senge